Monday, August 15, 2016

Episode 25 - 02/19/96

This week of rasslin goodness starts the way last week ended.  We review WCW Nitro from 02/19/96 where the show kicks off with a Hogan vs. Arn Anderson rematch.  This match involves some confusing run ins but who's trying to figure this stuff out anyways?  Loch ness then wrestles, if that's what you want to call it, Alex Wright.  We have the Nitro debut of Fit Finlay, then known as "The Belfast Bruiser.  He and his glorious mullet will take on Brad Armstrong and his equally glorious mullet!  The main event puts Savage against Flair.  This match involves all kinds of nonsensical interference and ends with Ed Leslie as "The Booty Man" channeling the gods and saving the day.  At least we get some more antics at the announcer booth at the end which has Hogan really trying to get over Leslie's Booty gimmick.

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