Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Episode 24 - 02/12/96

On this episode of Late to the Nitro party we take a look at WCW Nitro from 02/12/1996.  This Nitro immediately follows the spectacle that was SuperBrawl 6.  We will see Randy Savage take on Hugh Morrus in what would have been a World Title match for some reason had Savage retained the night before.  Not sure how Hugh was given that shot but in the end it did not matter.  They start talking about NASCAR and their new car they sponsor because they are over the monster truck thing apparently.  Riggs tries desperately to make the newest Dungeon of Doom goon look good in the ring.  Mean Gene mistakenly lets Miss Elizabeth talk into a mic.  Konnan then defends his US Title (yes he is the US champ now) against Dangerous Devon Storm (who you may recognize).  Hogan is in the main event then we get an amusing end at the announcers table.  We hope this makes your viewing of the episode much more enjoyable!

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